Common Pool Problems That Our Swimming Pool Maintenance Team Can Help Manage

    Owning a swimming pool is a wise investment for many people but requires more than installation fees. The best swimming pool maintenance company can provide swimming pool maintenance that keeps your Louisiana investment safe from various problems. Contact Howard Pool Company, the best south-central Louisiana pool maintenance contractor, if you note any of these problems.

    Algae Growth

    Algae growth is one of the most frustrating issues plaguing swimming pool maintenance. These blooms will spread rapidly across your pool’s surface and require a pool maintenance company to manage them appropriately. As Louisiana’s best pool maintenance contractor, we’re here to help.

    We’ll ensure that your chemicals are correctly balanced to ensure your pool is free of these issues. Then, with a good pool shock treatment, you can balance your pH levels and keep your pool safe. Our team fully understands these steps and can help you handle them quickly and efficiently.

    In this way, we can keep your pool strong and minimize long-term complications with its operation. Just as significantly, we’ll help you better understand proper cleaning and maintenance steps to ensure that your pool stays strong and doesn’t experience any long-term damage issues.

    Dirty or Damaged Filters

    Your filters should do a great job keeping your pool clean while basically being invisible. However, if you notice any floating debris in your pool or any other issues, your filters are likely dirty or even damaged. Howard Pool Company is the pool maintenance company that can handle this repair for you.

    We’ll start by inspecting your filters to ensure they’re not dirty or damaged. If they are, we’ll take steps to address them. For instance, we’ll make sure to clean out your filters first and then check for any real damage. After that, we’ll replace them if they have any problems as quickly as possible.

    Our goal is to be the best pool maintenance contractor in south-central Louisiana. As a result, we provide the hands-on pool maintenance you need, including replacing and cleaning your filters to ensure they’re in perfect shape the next time you jump in the pool for a swim.

    Scratched Floors

    Your swimming pool floor should be comfortable and smooth on your feet, providing comfortable long-term support. Unfortunately, the floor can be scratched up over time and cause severe injuries to your feet, including cuts. Thankfully, swimming pool maintenance can help with this problem.

    Our team at Howard Pool Company can help determine what is wrong, including calcium buildups on the floor that make it jagged and sharp. We’ll do what we can to minimize this issue, including removing these buildups and providing better chemical balance in your pool.

    As the best pool maintenance company in south-central Louisiana, we’ll do whatever we can to help. Unlike a typical pool maintenance contractor, we’ll schedule repeat visits and call you to ensure things are going well. If not, we can provide more treatments that keep your floor strong and safe from scratches.

    Cloudy Water

    The best pool maintenance contractor should keep your water clean and clear so that you can see right to the bottom. However, cloudy water might be a symptom of a more serious swimming pool maintenance issue requiring a pool maintenance company in Louisiana that you can trust.

    For instance, if your pool is open all day and you have trees in the area, pollen and other contaminants may make your water murky. In addition, a clogged filter and poor chemical balance can also cause cloudy water. These issues are, thankfully, relatively easy to fix when you work with us.

    We’ll sit down with you at Howard Pool Company and help you better understand your pool problems. Our team will give you the insight to understand pool maintenance issues better and teach you how to shock your pool to keep it free from cloudy water.

    Foundation Cracks

    Severe foundation cracks are a very problematic swimming pool maintenance issue. Simply put, they represent a severe issue that requires more than a little bit of repair. After all, these cracks may cause severe damage to the pool that requires a pool maintenance company to properly manage.

    Our team at Howard Pool Company can help you better understand the source of this damage and provide long-term repair for your pool’s needs. We’ll sit down with you and examine what is happening with your pool, including the reasons why the foundation is cracking.

    Just as importantly, we’ll spend the time to ensure that you better understand what may cause these issues. This may include talking with you about your soil and how it can shift and cause pool damage. We’ll help you find a landscaper who can ensure that your soil is strong and your pool safe.

    Take Better Care of Your Pool

    Working with a pool maintenance company you can trust ensures your pool is solid and safe from severe damage. As the best pool maintenance contractor in south-central Louisiana, our team of experts at Howard Pool Company is ready to help you. We’ll maintain your Louisiana home’s swimming pool and keep your investment solid and secure.

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